Bachelor in Paradise is an elimination-style reality competition television series which premiered on August 4, 2014, on ABC. It is a spin-off of the American reality television game shows The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. The show features previous contestants who have been featured on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. The show is hosted by Chris Harrison.
Development and filming[]
In March 2013, ABC canceled Bachelor Pad after three seasons. Much similar to Bachelor Pad, rejected contestants from The Bachelor and The Bachelorette are isolated in a romantic paradise in an exotic tropical destination.
At the first rose ceremony, the six men are given a rose to hand out to a woman they’d like to spend more time getting to know in paradise. With an uneven number of men and women in the group, the two women left without roses are immediately sent home heartbroken. Just as potential couples start to pair up, everything changes drastically in the next episode when two new men arrive in paradise with love on their mind. For seven weeks, each episode will alternate between two new men or women joining the cast. New relationships may form, and current ones may end. Every week, the two people who don’t receive a rose will be forced to leave paradise. It’s a constant love shuffle where surprise arrivals can rekindle old romances, spark new ones, or splinter existing love affairs.
ABC renewed Bachelor in Paradise for a seventh season on August 5, 2019.[1]
Misconduct allegations[]
During the initial filming of season 4, production was halted due to allegations of sexual misconduct between two contestants — DeMario Jackson and Corinne Olympios. After an internal investigation, it was determined that there was no misconduct and filming resumed shortly after.
After Paradise[]
Beginning in 2015, ABC began airing Bachelor in Paradise: After Paradise, a regular weekly live after show. Chris Harrison and Jenny Mollen co-hosted the show starring a celebrity fan and one of the Bachelor in Paradise cast members. Season 2 saw the introduction of a new host, comedian and talk show host, Michelle Collins and also introduced as a co-host is the star from season 17 of The Bachelor, Sean Lowe.